The recent WICEN AGM elected the following committee:
President - Steven Heimann
Vice President - John Harper
Secretary - Steve Diekman
Treasurer - Doug Rosser
Committee - Jan van Ekris, Irene van Ekris, Alex Stewart, Eric van de Weyer
October 9 is a training day here at Dural.
The weekend of October 22 and 23 is the Cave Rescue Exercise at Jenolan Caves, in the western Blue Mountains.
The Hawkesbury Canoe Classic, a significant event in terms of the number of operators required, will run overnight from Saturday, October 29th to Sunday 30th. Positions are available at on-shore and mid-river checkpoints, on shut-down vessels, at Finish, and at SES HQ at Seven Hills.
WICEN has a 70cm Digital Mobile Radio repeater, connected to the global DMR-MARC system. The current QTH is another site at Dural. Further details can be found by searching for VK2RRW at:
WICEN has a twitter account: @wicennsw
It can be viewed at:
Facebook users will find the official WICEN New South Wales page, and an informal national WICEN group.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club, and supports events in the ACT and the surrounding "Capital Country". The club's website is at:
The BMSC Brindabella Stages Car Rally is Saturday, October15. Fitz's Challenge is a road cycling event in the Brindabella Ranges on Sunday October 30. Saturday 3rd December is the BMSC Rallye des Femme, for Lady Drivers. Foundation courses are provided bi-monthly, with exams for all levels on the Sunday, with the next one being November 19 and 20.
WICEN Victoria's next event is The Australian 4 Day Enduro, a motorcycling event at Mansfield commences on November 15. The group's website is:
Submitted by Julian Sortland VK2YJS, on behalf of the WICEN State Management Committee.