WICEN NSW, is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
Due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) WICEN has cancelled participation in all but emergency activations, and moved training and meetings to its amateur and non-amateur radio resources, including DMR.
WICEN is running check-in nets twice daily, with details on the website.
Should it be safe to do so, training in the use of chainsaws will be provided from the 3rd to the 5th of July, most likely in northern Sydney.
Members are encouraged to take advantage of the free courses offered by the Office of Emergency Management, at: https://www.emtraining.nsw.gov.au/
For Facebook users, there is an official WICEN NSW page; and an informal national WICEN group.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club. The club is moving all events, including lectures, online or on-air. For more info visit: http://www.crarc.ampr.org or the CRARC Facebook page.
WICEN Victoria - The weekly net is on each Tuesday at 8:30 pm, on 3.6 MHz. WICEN Victoria's website, which includes a couple of propagation indicators, is: http://vic.wicen.org.au
There is potential for car rallies to resume from August, supported by these two groups.
Submitted by Julian Sortland AX2YJS, on behalf of the WICEN State Management Committee.