The Western Sydney edition of the Alzheimer's Australia NSW's Memory Walk and Jog events is this morning at Tench Reserve, Penrith. May 7 is the Sydney walk, commencing at Leichhardt Oval #3, on the waterfront at Lilyfield, while the 21st is the Hunter event, at Tulkaba Park in Teralba. Finally, the Port Macquarie one will be at Westport Park on 4th June. These are short events, and are suitable for new members.
True Grit is mud running event on June 10 and 11 in Lower Portland, north-west of Sydney.
Navshield, a major bush navigation event is June 24th and 25th, typically held somewhere in the "N-S-W" region. Ahead of this event there will be a recce and radio survey on Sunday 23 April.
Several training days are being planned. One is expected to be a day at Dural dedicated to a First Aid qualification to satisfy the requirements of PUA21312. Please let WICEN know what dates are suitable for you to attend.
The WICEN Mid North Coast Region monthly meeting is held on the first Saturday of the month, at SES HQ Central Road, Port Macquarie, beginning at 1530 hours.
WICEN has a twitter account: @wicennsw
It can be viewed at:
Facebook users will find the official WICEN New South Wales page, and an informal national WICEN group.
WICEN (NSW) Inc. Northern Rivers Region will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Sunday, April 9 from 10:00am. The venue is the Summerland ARC at 412 Richmond Hill Road, Richmond Hill 2480. The region also has a weekly net on Tuesdays at 8:00pm summer time, on the Lismore repeater VK2RSC on 146.8 MHz, requiring a 123 Hz tone. Listen for VK2WIR.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club, and supports events in the ACT and the surrounding "Capital Country". The weekend of April 1st and 2nd is the Canberra Two Day Walk. The weekend of June 10th and 11this the SCSCC Bega Rally. Weekend Foundation Licence courses, and exams for all levels, are provided by the Club. The next event for which bookings can be made is May 20 and 21. Their website, which includes the coming year's WICEN events is at:
WICEN Victoria holds a net every Tuesday at 2030 on or near 3.6 MHz. The Field Weekend at Yea in Central Victoria, to have been held this weekend has been postponed, to a date to be announced. The Pajero Challenge is near Avoca on March 25th & 26th, Duncan's Run is April 1 in the Tarra Bulga State Forest in Gippsland, and the Sunraysia 600 on April 22 is at Keera Station near Lake Cullulleraine, south-west of Wentworth. Their website is:
Submitted by Julian Sortland VK2YJS, on behalf of the WICEN State Management Committee.