WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN's informal Communications Exercise, was a success, with much learned. Comments have been posted to the wicen.all group in the VRA mail system.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN's informal Communications Exercise, was a success, with much learned. Comments have been posted to the wicen.all group in the VRA mail system.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN NSW Inc News for Sunday, 3 January 2021
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN NSW will be conducting an informal Communications Exercise on the weekend of January 9th and 10th, and invites amateur radio clubs across New South Wales and ACT to participate.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
Members are asked to remain prepared for activation, as summer has traditionally been the time things have gone figuratively, or occasionally literally, wobbly, with a 3.0 tremor under your Publicity Officer's QTH at Oberon the most recent example.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
The group was recently presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by the NSW RFS - Hawkesbury District for the contributions of its radio operators and Incident Management Team at the NSW RFS Hawkesbury Fire Control Centre. This included assisting in coordinating the response to the Gosper Mountain fire during the 2019-20 bushfire season.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
The group was recently presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by the NSW RFS - Hawkesbury District for the contributions of its radio operators and Incident Management Team at the NSW RFS Hawkesbury Fire Control Centre. This included assisting in coordinating the response to the Gosper Mountain fire during the 2019-20 bushfire season.
WICEN NSW is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN NSW, is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
WICEN NSW, is a communications support squad of the NSW Volunteer Rescue Association.
The NSW Volunteer Rescue Association is undergoing a restructure. Details can be viewed on the shared Google drive, using your VRA email address, in the "Corporate Governance Review 2020" folder.