WICEN NSW Inc News for Sunday 2nd of March 2014
WICEN has been asked to provide communications support for the
Bushwalker's Wilderness Rescue Squad's Operational Exercise, or OPEX,
at Winburndale Nature Reserve, 35kms north-east of Bathurst, on the
weekend of 22nd and 23rd of March.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club, the
successor of the ACT division of the WIA. Their website at
http://www.crarc.ampr.org/ includes details of both WICEN and general
Coming events include:
WICEN ACT's National Capital Rally concludes today
BWRS Operational Exercise north-east of Bathurst on 22nd and 23rd of March
WICEN ACT's Canberra Two Day Walk on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29th of March
Submitted by Julian Sortland VK2YJS on behalf of the WICEN State
Management Committee.