On Sunday, February 26th, WICEN will be represented at the CCARC Field Day, which is an opportunity for members to renew their membership.
February 26th is also the first of a series of Memory Walk and Jog events, in this case at North Wollongong. March 12th is the Penrith walk.
The previously announced training day has postponed to a date to be advised.
WICEN has a twitter account: @wicennsw
It can be viewed at: http://twitter.com/wicennsw
Facebook users will find the official WICEN New South Wales page, and an informal national WICEN group.
WICEN Northern Rivers region will be having a regular bi-monthly meeting on Sunday Feb 12, 1000 hrs at the Summerland Amateur Radio Club. The region also has a weekly net on Tuesdays at 8:00pm summer time, on the Lismore repeater VK2RSC on 146.8 MHz, requiring a 123 Hz tone. Listen for VK2WIR.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club, and supports events in the ACT and the surrounding "Capital Country". The weekend of April 1st and 2nd is the Canberra Two Day Walk. Foundation courses, and exams for all levels, are provided by the Club, the next being 18th and 19th March. The club's website, which includes the coming year's WICEN events is at: http://www.crarc.ampr.org
WICEN Victoria holds a net every Tuesday at 2030 on or near 3.6 MHz. Their next events are a Fun Run on the Mornington Peninsula on Thursday January 26, the Field Weekend at Yea is on March 3rd to 5th, a 4 wheel drive event on March 25th & 26th, and Duncan'r Run on April 1. Their website is: http://vic.wicen.org.au
Submitted by Julian Sortland VK2YJS, on behalf of the WICEN State Management Committee.