While no events are planned for the next month or so, bushfire and other events over the summer period have led to activations of WICEN in past years. The BOM is predicting a high likelihood of warmer and drier weather over this period, especially in the east of the State.
A training day is proposed for Sunday, February 19.
Sunday, February 26th is the CCARC Field Day, an event to which the adage that "many hands make light work" applies. That day is also the first of a series of Memory Walk and Jog events, in this case at Wollongong.
WICEN has a twitter account: @wicennsw
It can be viewed at: http://twitter.com/wicennsw
Facebook users will find the official WICEN New South Wales page, and an informal national WICEN group.
Northern Rivers region have a weekly net on Tuesdays at 8:00pm summer time, on the Lismore repeater VK2RSC on 146.8 MHz, requiring a 123 Hz tone. Listen for VK2WIR. The associated Summerland ARC will be supporting the Great Eastern Fly-In, from January 6th to 8th, 2017 at Evans Head. http://www.greateasternflyin.com/ VK2ZDR Dave has replaced John VK2JWA as Sarc News editor after many years of service. If the related change to the email service has meant you no longer receive this, please contact the club.
WICEN ACT is part of the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club, and supports events in the ACT and the surrounding "Capital Country". The club's website is at: http://www.crarc.ampr.org
The club holds Foundation courses, and exams for all levels, are provided by the Club bi-monthly, on odd-numbered months.
WICEN Victoria holds a net every Tuesday at 2030 on or near 3.6 MHz. Their next event is the Field Weekend at Yea on the weekend of March 4th and 5th Their website is: http://vic.wicen.org.au
Submitted by Julian Sortland VK2YJS, on behalf of the WICEN State Management Committee.