Submitted by VK2HRX on

State Committee activities

The State Committee continues to meet on a monthly basis and we are working our way through a large amount of relevant topics. We are taking a break over Christmas with the next meeting scheduled for Feb the 8th 2012.

New Policies on WWW site

The existing set of Standing Orders that cover WICEN activities are now on the WWW site for members to view. It is clear when you have a read of these that they could benefit from being upgraded. If there are any members who are interested in helping to bring these up to date then please contact the committee,

We have also added the newly created Uniform policy and Privacy policy to the WWW site so that members have access to these policies. The Privacy policy will allow us to provide members details to the VRA membership database which is a requirement of our affiliation with the VRA.

WWW site regular updates

As well as adding the above policies there are frequent updates to information on the WWW site. Typically you will see that material is added every couple of weeks, so stay in touch with what is happening at WICEN by staying connected to the WWW site.

Training Officer

A key activity that WICEN has to undertake is to revitalise our training so that we are amongst other things compliant to the requirements of the VRA. For our VRA commitments this essentially means that all members will become classified either; as available for call out, trainee or non-active member. To be classified as an available for call out member you will have to have competed the applicable sections of the VRA induction the basic operator competencies. These are formal certificated courses that are administered by the VRA’s Registered Training Organisation. Many of us will be able to apply for recognition of prior learning to gain all or part of the competencies needed to satisfy these courses.

WICEN is looking for a person amongst our membership who holds a current TAE-10 qualification and who is active in the training industry to assist us in this process. So if you hold a TAE-10 and wish to help them please contact the committee,

Name badges

The first set of name badges were posted to members in time for the Canoe Classic event, the next set will be posted in the next couple of weeks so that all members who requested a free WICEN name badge will have had one posted to them.

Member Survey

You would have received in the last week or so a survey request via email. We are planning on closing the survey for responses soon so if you haven’t taken the opportunity to complete the survey and provide your thoughts on WICEN to the State Committee then please do so ASAP.


A reminder to all of those who are event co-ordinators that regardless of what region you are in you must report the hours worked including travelling time to This is so we can report the total hours worked by WICEN each month to the VRA. Our timely reporting of our hours report is mandatory for us to continue to receive funding grants from the VRA. Additionally you must complete the event notification notice and email it to regardless of what region you are in. Failure to complete the event notification may see the event not being recognised as a WICEN event and as a consequence insurance coverage may not be available. Both the event hours and event notification forms described as Notification of Event and Attendance Form are on the WWW site under forms.

Upcoming events in WWW Events Notification

As we become aware of events then they are being added to the events notification area on the WWW site. If you know of events as an event co-ordinator then please either add the event directly or provide the details to Andrew Vaughan, so Andrew can add these for you. We do get members asking for dates and so forth of events and if these are on the WWW site then it makes it much easier for this information to be made easily available.

It’s that time of year so a message like this wouldn’t be complete unless we wished you and your families and friends a safe and happy Christmas.


Compton Allen


Vice President