WICEN will be conducting regular weekly nets on Sunday as detailed below.

Sunday of
the Month
1730 Hrs 1800 Hrs 1830 Hrs 1845 Hrs
1st Analogue Repeater Chatswood 2m Digital Repeater Kurrajong R52 TAC7 VRA P25 Repeater Zone 1, Channel TACT DGTL 1
2nd Analogue Repeater Kurrajong 70cm Digital Repeater DMARC TG 3810 P25 Pacific TAC1 TG10401
3rd 40m HF May to Aug
7110 kHz LSB +/‑ QRM / other traffic
Analogue Repeater Kurrajong 70cm 40m HF Sept to April
7110 kHz LSB +/‑ QRM / other traffic
4th Analogue Repeater Chatswood 2m Digital Repeater Kurrajong R52 TAC7 VRA P25 Repeater Zone 1, Channel TACT DGTL 1
5th Analogue Repeater Chatswood 2m Digital Repeater Kurrajong R52 TAC7 VRA P25 Repeater Zone 1, Channel TACT DGTL 1